.. _supported ==================== Supported Algorithms ==================== ``librec-auto`` supports all of the algorithms in ``Librec``. As of September 15, 2020, the following algorithms are supported: :: aobpr aspectmodelranking aspectmodelrating associationrule asvdpp autorec bhfree biasedmf biasedmf bipolarslopeone bnppf bpmf bpoissmf bpr bucm cdae climf cofiset constantguess convmf cptf dlambdafm eals efm ensemble-linear ensemble-stacking external ffm fismauc fismrmse fmals fmftrl fmsgd gbpr globalaverage gplsa hft hybrid irrg itemaverage itembigram itemcluster itemknn itemknn lda ldcc librec-default librec listrankmf llorma mfals mostpopular nmf nmfitemitem personalitydiagnosis pitf plsa pmf pnmf prankd randomguess rankals rankgeofm rankpmf ranksgd rbm remf rfrec rste sbpr slim slopeone socialmf sorec soreg svdpp tfidf timesvd topicmfat topicmfmt trustmf trustsvd urp useraverage usercluster userknn usg-test wbpr wrmf Custom algorithms ----------------- In future releases, you will be able to add your own algorithms to ``librec-auto``. Supported metrics ============= ``librec-auto`` supports all of the metrics in ``Librec``. As of September 15, 2020, the following metrics are supported: :: auc ap (Average Precision) arhr (Average Reciprocal Hit Rate) diversity hitrate ndcg precision recall rr (Reciprocal Rank) featurediversity novelty entropy giniindex icov (Item Coverage) mae mpe mse rmse csp (Consumer-side Statistical Parity of nDCG) psp (Provider-side Statistical Parity of exposure) miscalib (Miscalibration) dppf (Discounted Proportional Provider-side Fairness) dpcf (Discounted Proportional Consumer-side Fairness) nonpar (NonParityUnfairness) valunfairness (Value Unfairness) absunfairness (Absolute Unfairness) overestimate (Overestimation Unfairness) underestimate (Underestimation Unfairness) ppr (PPercent Rule as applied to provider exposure) Custom metrics ------------- To add a new metric, see discussion in :ref:`python-side`