.. _SaveCSV: =============================== Produce CSV Output =============================== :Author: Robin Burke, Zijun Liu :Version: Sep 7th, 2020 1. Introduction =============== This post-processing script produces CSV summaries of the metrics computed for all of the experiments in a study. There are two types of output. * ``full`` output contains the value of the metric for each fold of the experiment. This option is only relevant for cross-validation studies. * ``summary`` output contains the average value of the metric across all folds in an experiment or just the single value for studies that don't use cross-validation. Files are stored in the ``post`` folder in the study directory. 2. Configuration ================ 1. In order to produce this output from your study, you will need to add a ``script`` element to the post-processing portion of the configuration file. Here is an example: :: 2. ``option`` parameter In addition to the ``full`` and ``summary`` options discussed above, there is also an ``all`` option that produces both kinds of output. Files are named with the option and with a time stamp drawn from the log files that were processed. Example: ``study-results-summary_20200915_070451.csv``